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Vitaman Face Scrub 深層去角質潔膚膏

Vitaman Face Scrub 深層去角質潔膚膏

Regular price HK$218.00
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隨著年齡的增長,您的皮膚細胞需要更長時間才能再生。 如果您不定期去除死皮,您會發現自己長出粉刺、黑頭、向內生長的毛髮甚至皺紋。Vitaman的深層抗敏潔膚膏可以消除雜質並獲得無瑕疵的皮膚。在短短 4 星期內,您可以得到更清透、更年輕的膚色。

✅ 自然溫和香味,不含人工香料
✅ 極微細碎核桃殼和竹粉溫和去除角質,讓疲憊、乾燥或暗沉的肌膚恢復活力
✅ 深層清潔毛孔,有助於防止黑頭、粉刺和毛髮向內生長
✅ 讓您的皮膚光滑,剃鬚更輕鬆且無刺激
✅ 不會使您的皮膚變乾,無塑料微珠,無酒精
✅ 不油膩配方,輕鬆沖洗乾淨,無任何殘留物
✅ 適合敏感肌膚男士的最佳去角質面部磨砂膏,pH平衡配方適合您的皮膚化學性質 - 不會讓您的皮膚發紅、乾燥或發炎

用量: 三個月



1) 如出現刺激、泛紅及痕癢等徵狀,請馬上停止使用及諮詢醫生意見。

2) 使用時請避免接觸傷口及濕疹等位置。

3) 如不慎觸及眼睛,請立即用清水沖洗。

4) 存放方法: 使用後請緊記關上蓋子、儲存於陰涼處避免陽光直接照射。

    VITAMAN's Face Scrub is recommended by Influencer, Tim Dessaint, in his youtube video "A Beginner's Guide to Skin Care for Men"

    Why You Should Use It:

    • Great for all skin types
    • Gently exfoliates and revitalises tired, dry, or dull-looking skin
    • Used regularly, it deep cleanses pores to help prevent blackheads
    • Using a scrub regularly gives you a smoother surface to make shaving easier
    • Creamy formula rinses clean without any residue
    • No artificial fragrances here, we use essential oils to create a refreshing Lemon Myrtle aroma
    • pH balanced formula to suit the chemistry of your skin


    The saying goes “you’re only as young as you feel”. That’s all very well, but how young do you look? 

    Guys, there’s no excuse to neglect your daily skin routine.  And with the right face scrub, you can now look as young as you feel. 

    VITAMAN’s Face Scrub is the key to no-fuss, youthful looking skin. Whether your skin is dry and sun damaged, or prone to oily breakouts, VITAMAN’s Face Scrub will have you looking so good that even your mates will notice. 

    Featuring natural ingredients like walnut shell, bamboo powder, and the antioxidant power of organic white tea, your skin will be restored to its former glory.  And with a combination of Aloe Vera, Allantoin, and Vitamin E, VITAMAN’s Face Scrub is gentle enough to use every day.  What could be easier!

    You no longer have to settle for skin that makes you look like an unmade bed.  If you suffer from ingrown hairs, blackheads, or simply look a tad weathered, then you need VITAMAN’s Face Scrub. 

    VITAMAN’s Face Scrub is proudly Australian made and sourced with 99% natural ingredients. Do yourself a favour and get your paws on VITAMAN’s Face Scrub TODAY.  

    100ml (3.4 oz)



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