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Vitaman Face Moisturiser 木槿花保濕面霜

Vitaman Face Moisturiser 木槿花保濕面霜

定價 MOP$293.00
定價 售價 MOP$293.00
特價 售罄
Vitaman的木槿花保濕面霜是品牌中標榜極速吸收的保濕面霜,減退眼睛和前額周圍的細紋和皺紋。它不會堵塞您的毛孔而導致粉刺和粉刺,而且它沒有強烈、不自然的香氣。在短短 4 星期,您可以擁有皺紋更少,粉刺減少了的水潤肌膚。

✅ 溫和的自然香氣
✅ 撫平皮膚紋理,減少細紋的出現
✅ 適合所有男士膚質 - 尤其是敏感肌膚的男士
✅ 輕盈、不油膩的配方不會堵塞毛孔或讓你出現暗瘡或粉刺
✅ 深入滲透常見問題區域,例如耳後和鼻樑周圍
✅ 減少浮腫的眼睛和黑眼圈
✅ 由獨特的澳洲本土植物製成,可收緊和滋養您的肌膚
✅ 低過敏性 pH 平衡配方適合皮膚的化學性質




1) 如出現刺激、泛紅及痕癢等徵狀,請馬上停止使用及諮詢醫生意見。

2) 使用時請避免接觸傷口及濕疹等位置。

3) 如不慎觸及眼睛,請立即用清水沖洗。

4) 存放方法: 使用後請緊記關上蓋子、儲存於陰涼處避免陽光直接照射。

Why You Should Use It

  • Great for all skin types 
  • Non greasy formula gives you the perfect matte finish
  • Absorbs quickly to hydrate tired looking skin
  • Smoothes skin texture and minimizes the appearance of fine lines
  • No artificial fragrances here, we use essential oils to create a subtle, fresh and clean aroma
  • pH balanced formula to suit the chemistry of the skin

Sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin… we all have different skin types. And for many men, the extent of their skincare may be rinsing their face with water or slapping on some sunscreen. Guys, you can do better than this!

For nourished, fresh, and dare we say it, younger-looking skin, daily moisturising is essential. But not all moisturisers are created equal. To replenish tired and damaged skin, without leaving your face oily, you need VITAMAN’s best-selling Face Moisturiser.

Specially designed to calm and smooth your skin’s texture, as well as reduce fine lines around your eyes and forehead, VITAMAN’s Face Moisturiser is suitable for even the most sensitive skin.

Simply by adding VITAMAN’S Face Moisturiser to your daily skin routine, you can experience more hydrated, youthful skin. And used in combination with VITAMAN’s range of skincare products, your skin will instantly appear visibly rejuvenated.

Featuring natural Australian ingredients like Shea Butter, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, and Coconut Oil, VITAMAN’s Face Moisturiser gives you the perfect matte finish with subtle notes of Australian Blue Cypress Oil and Kakadu Plum.

If you’re ready to enjoy the confidence and performance that comes with vibrant, supple skin, choose VITAMAN Face Moisturiser.



    100ml (3.4 oz)
